Breathe new life into your branch network through better strategy, planning and analysis.
First of all, let’s start with a “we understand” …
- The heartache of aging branches.
- The challenge of changing communities.
- The reality of evolving customer branch use patterns.
- The impact of competitive challenges.
- The need to integrate new technology.
We’ve seen it all—and developed a strategy to maximize it or crafted a plan to overcome it! Single branch, branch network, LPO into full service, new market, market fill-in—all require unique strategic assessment and evaluation. When it comes to branches, branch planning, and space utilization, experience matters. A four-step process is what it takes to create an effective, data-driven approach to your branch’s challenges.
Step 1: Identify your marketplace realities.
Knowing the demographic profile, psychographic tendencies and patterns of growth is a great start…but turning the data into actionable insights is the key. What does it tell you and how do you plan for today? Tomorrow? 10 years from now?
Step 2: Assess your branch output, patterns, placement and growth potential.
Customers/members display behavior. Behavior creates data. Data drives decisions. Crafting a detailed approach to modeling and assessment creates the roadmap for your efforts, focus and necessary level of investment.
Step 3: Determine the best market approach.
Hub-and-spoke branches? ATMs? ITMs? Drive-thrus? Knowing the options is not the challenge. Determining the right approach for you and that specific market is the difference.
Phases? | Stages? | New market? | Existing market?
Step 4: Craft your tailored plan.
Transitioning data into insights, insights into a plan and a plan into reality is the DEI specialty. We’ll help you plan for:
- Branch type
- Positioning
- Technology integration
- Space utilization
- Growth planning
- Staff expert access
The DEI Strategic Assessment is the first step in any successful branch evaluation. Whether a single branch, branch network or approach to new markets, we are your expert guide.